
learning one day at a time

When Things Seem To Be Falling Apart… January 21, 2012

Filed under: Faith,Family,Marriage,Ministry — fullofhisgrace @ 4:08 am
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It is easy to give praise, give thanks, and worship God when life is going well. When things are staying together nicely and everything is in it’s place, but what do you do when things begin to cave in around you. Are you praising? Praying? Thanking? We should be turning to God for everything ALL the time, especially when things aren’t going well. He doesn’t like to see His children hurting and He wants to comfort, to be a shelter and refuge from the storm you are going through. I have seen so many people push Him away when they are struggling with something in life….they blame Him. God doesn’t promise that life will be easy. We live in a fallen world with sin, suffering, and pain. God will never give us more than we can handle and He does promise to be there right beside you. Lifting you up, encouraging, cheering you on and giving you the strength you need to endure trials. We may not have all the answers to why things happen and we may not know in the lifetime, but “all things work together for the good of those that love the Lord,” (Romans 8:28). So praise Him in every moment and thank Him always, but especially when things are falling apart. God will “lead you beside the still waters,” (Psalm 23:2). He isn’t going to let you drown or flounder. Reach out and grab hold of the life preserver He is tossing you.

Thank you Father, for loving us enough to send your only Son to die for our sins. Thank you for being our comfort in the storms of this uncertain life and help us to not worry. Your hand is in everything and for all things there is a reason. We put our trust in You, the Creator of the universe and we trust Your guiding hand in all situations. Amen. 

Blessings In Christ,


5 Responses to “When Things Seem To Be Falling Apart…”

  1. Scott Sholar Says:

    Thanks for sharing and God bless you. Here is my latest post: http://scottsholar.com/2012/01/19/the-revelation-song/

  2. Short and sweet! God is after our hearts and He uses everything to make us more like Him. :) Thanks for the reminder.

  3. Chris Says:

    Incredible quest there. What happened after? Take care!

  4. Tech Blog Says:

    Excellent article, thanks!

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