
learning one day at a time

Words of Praise February 28, 2012

Filed under: Faith,Family,Homemaking,Marriage,Ministry — fullofhisgrace @ 6:18 pm
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If I had a dime for every complaint I have ever uttered, I would be rich. It saddens me to think how often I offer complaints instead of thanksgiving, criticism instead of praise, or hurt instead of healing. Our tongues are what cause the most sin in our lives. How often have I said things I wish I could take back…

Proverbs 21:23

“Whoever keeps his mouth and his tongue keeps himself out of trouble.”

Ephesians 4:29

“Let no corrupting talk come out of your mouths, but only such as is good for building up, as fits the occasion, that it may give grace to those who hear.”

Most things I say are pointless. We will be judged by the words we have spoken. That is a promise from God (Matthew 12:37). God cares about what we say. He cares about what words we use and how we use them. Let praise for God overflow from our mouths and let us carefully weigh what we want to say before we actually do it. I have always been told, “God gave you two ears and one mouth.” That is so true! Those ears are for listening and we should listen twice as much as we speak. I will be working on this for the rest of my life I am sure, and I will fail often, but it is something we need to be very aware of. I will be looking at the words Jesus spoke. They were harsh, always constructive, glorifying to the Father, healing, true, and sure. He was confident in the words he spoke because they were good. Jesus spoke with purpose. He is the perfect example and we should be following in His footsteps in every way, even in our speech. I hope you will join me and strive to speak only things that are glorifying to God!

Blessings In Christ,


11 Responses to “Words of Praise”

  1. Desiray Says:

    Girlfriend me and you both, why do we complain anyway? Even in the littlest of things we will find something to complain about…I tell ya..we gotta stop it because all we are doing is giving the enemy the win.

  2. desirayl Says:

    Girlfriend me and you both, why do we complain anyway? Even in the littlest of things we will find something to complain about…I tell ya..we gotta stop it because all we are doing is giving the enemy the win.

  3. Jo Bower Says:

    I have spent most of my life up to now (my dad was a minister, and I married one) in parsonages. I grew up being taught to censor what I was thinking before I said it. So, it’s become a life habit. Yet, this goes beyond controling your words. It’s about attitudes too. The words come from pride, or haughty attitudes, or unresolved anger, or insecureities, or fear of loss of status and repect….. and so on and so on. controlling the words starts with giving me to God and askeing for new attitudes. Good word… thanks.

  4. The tongue is talked about over and over again in Scripture for good reason.

  5. I heard of a reminder recently for things like this. Wear a bracelet on your arm and every time you complain or speak badly, switch it to the other arm. Try to keep the bracelet on one arm for how ever long you decide you want to do this. It’s amazing how having to switch the bracelet can become irksome and really keeps your progress in mind!
    “Do everything without complaining or arguing…” Philippians 2:14

  6. lorischulz Says:

    Hi Jenny,

    I love your reminder that we have two ears and one mouth. And also about speaking with purpose.


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